Lakehurst is known as the Air Ship Capital of the World. Located in Ocean County, Lakehurst became best known for the Hindenburg disaster, which ironically, did not occur in Lakehurst, but instead, Manchester. The German zeppelin Hindenburg caught fire at the Lakehurst Naval Station after its arrival from Frankfurt Germany. Lakehurst is small in size, only about 1 square mile and half of its 2,600 inhabitants are married.
Divorce Mediation in Lakehurst
A Lakehurst Divorce Mediation is a voluntary settlement process in which a mediator, trained in dispute resolution, meets with the parties to help them navigate the issues they want resolved in a non-adversarial manner. The divorce mediator will facilitate the negotiation of those issues, with the ultimate goal of helping the parties reach a settlement. Participation is voluntary, and any agreement reached by the parties must be entered into voluntarily between the parties. A mediator, unlike a Judge, has no power to impose a settlement.
Benefits of Mediation In Lakehurst
Divorce Mediation serves many benefits. First, it is much less adversarial than going to the family court in Ocean County. Second, you and your spouse retain control of the process unlike a Judge who controls everything. Third, it is usually much more cost effective and lastly, it is a way to avoid litigation when children are involved. Divorce Mediation in Lakehurst, often gives divorcing couples a better chance of successfully negotiating issues that they deem more important than others or those that may come up in the future.
Why Choose Villani & DeLuca, P.C. For Your Divorce Mediation
If you and your spouse are comfortable talking with each other about your financial issues, child-related issues, or other issues related to the divorce process, and you have no objection to discussing them on a confidential basis with an impartial mediator, let Vincent DeLuca help mediate your case. Mr. DeLuca is Certified by the State Supreme Court as a Mediator. He is well respected not only by his colleagues, but Superior Court judges as well, as he is often appointed to help mediate complex cases currently in the Court System. He has handled all cases from the simple to the complex.