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New Jersey Child Custody Lawyers

Custody in the state of New Jersey is handled by the court. There are two forms of custody: legal custody and residential custody. In joint legal custody, each parent is recognized as a legal parent and can participate in major decisions in the child or children's life. The parents are expected to cooperate when it comes to joint legal custody and discuss the heath and medical treatment of the child/children, as well as educational needs. New Jersey courts tend to favor joint legal custody arrangements. In the instance of joint custody, the child will often primarily live with one parent (the “primary residential custodial parent”) and the other parent will receiving “parenting time”. The purpose of the primary place of residence is to establish a continuity of residence for the child or children.

What Is Parenting Time?

girl hugging father

What was once known as visitation is now called parenting time in the New Jersey legal system. This allows non-residential parents who have joint custody to have a continual presence in the life of their child or children. New Jersey courts ask for cooperation from both parents when establishing parenting time schedules and ask both parents to keep in the forefront of their minds the best interests of the children. In addition to established parenting time with the non residential parent, children and parents are encouraged to have frequent communication with each other via phone or other communication method.

What Is Considered In Determining Parenting Time And Custody?

blocks spelling out child custody with gavel

When parenting time and joint custody are established, several factors are taken into consideration. The children's age is a main factor as is geography and the location of both the parents. The geographic location plays a role in determining how often parenting time can occur. Children who have special needs, physical, emotional, or mental, are evaluated on an individual case by case basis and the set up and continuity of parenting time is addressed on an individual basis for those children. If two spouses cannot agree on how to share their parenting time, their lawyers may have to get involved. If it continues to present a problem, even with the presence of NJ Child Custody Lawyers, then a professional in the field of mental health may be called upon to evaluate the situation and make a recommendation to the courts.

Contact Villani & DeLuca, P.C. To Speak With A New Jersey Child Custody Lawyer

Establishing parenting time and custody is one of the hardest parts of going through a divorce. No parent wants to surrender his or her daily presence in the life of their child or children.

If you are going through a divorce and need to work with an attorney to help establish or maintain parenting time schedules, or if you are seeking to have that schedule re-evaluated or altered in some way, it is essential that you have an experienced attorney assist you in the process. Villani & DeLuca, P.C., NJ Child Custody Lawyers have been handling these types of cases in the Ocean County and Monmouth County area for many years. We are familiar with New Jersey laws regarding custody and visitation and will work with you and with the court system to ensure that your child still has your presence in his or her life, despite the fact that you and your spouse are divorcing.

Navigating a Divorce with Young Children in New Jersey 

Contact our offices today at 732-751-4991to speak with one of our NJ Child Custody Lawyers who all have the experience and the skills to assist you during this emotionally trying time. We are here to help with Custody and Visitation Rights in New Jersey!

Vincent DeLuca, Esq.

As a founding partner at Villani & DeLuca, Vincent DeLuca is one of only a few Certified Matrimonial Law Attorney in Ocean County, New Jersey. Mr. DeLuca has helped many clients navigate the delicate details of their own divorce. Mr. DeLuca is also a trained divorce mediator and collaborative divorce attorney. Call today at (732) 751-4991 to speak to Mr. DeLuca or one of our experienced NJ Divorce Lawyers.
