Kinds Of Uncontested Divorce In New Jersey

In general, there are two kinds of uncontested divorces. One is a mutual agreed upon uncontested divorce and one is a negotiated uncontested divorce. With a mutual agreed upon uncontested divorce, the couple does not have a large number of assets in dispute, might not have any children, nor did the marriage last long enough for there to have been an accumulation of significant assets. An example of a divorce that would result in a mutual agreed upon uncontested divorce would be a couple that got married after a short time dating and decided after they were married that they did not want to continue with the relationship. This is a circumstance where the divorce is merely procedural. Even if there are children or property that has to be divided, the couple is mostly in agreement as to how this will be handled and simply needs to have the legal papers prepared to end the marriage.
With a negotiated uncontested divorce, the sides are also willing to come to a reasonable agreement on how to deal with the children, support, property and assets, but they need legal advice on how to do it and there might be certain issues that are still in question. These types of divorces can occur with people who have not been married long and have no children, or with people who have been married for many years and have children and assets that need to be divided. They do not want to have to go to court to resolve the issues, but they need help with negotiations.
If the couple is in agreement regarding the decision to divorce, but needs assistance with the details, having a legal professional to help them can avoid the need to bring the case to court, saving money and emotional pain in the process. Once the issues have been agreed to and the matter is settled, the couple will sign a settlement agreement and it will be submitted for approval by the court. When it is approved, the divorce will be completed and the process will be over without the contentious negotiations and long-term suffering that can accompany a litigant divorce with multiple issues in dispute.
Speak To An Experienced New Jersey Divorce Attorney
Divorce need not be the hard, onerous process that it is for many people who cannot agree on anything in terms of the marriage and its assets. For some people, a divorce is simply a matter of legally ending the marriage and they are able to stay on good terms to separate their assets and agree on other issues such as custody of children, visitation rights, child support and alimony. It is in cases such as these that the uncontested divorce is a perfect solution that can save money and pain for the participants. If you are in need of assistance regarding the process of obtaining an uncontested divorce and you reside in Manasquan, Brielle, Brick, or any other town in New Jersey, it is important to have experienced legal advice. Contact the Law Firm of Villani & DeLuca, P.C. in Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey.