Custody Laws In New Jersey

Courts in New Jersey that specialize in family law will attempt to decide what is in the child's best interests when establishing custody of the child or children. The age of the children will be taken into consideration, the home environment that would be provided by each parent and how each parent could provide and care for the children will also be considered. If the child is old enough, he or she will be asked what his or her wishes are in relation to which parent should have primary residential custody. In New Jersey, a child must typically be ten years old in order to have his or her say taken into account. If your child is under ten years old, he or she may express an opinion or feeling on the subject, but the court, in most instances will not give it much weight.
New Jersey works to ensure that both parents have what is called “frequent and continuing” contact with their minor age children. In the past, it was believed that children younger than thirteen would have their best interests met by living with their mother, that is not always the case in this day and age. If you as a mother feel that your child or children belong with you, in your care on a daily basis, then it is up to you to retain counsel who can make that argument in a family court and protect your rights as a mother.
How To Ensure Your Rights As A Mother

In order to make sure your rights as a mother are protected, you need to speak with an attorney who can help you organize your case. You will need to be able to articulate to the court the role you played in the daily upbringing and caregiving of your child, as well as their father's involvement. You should also be ready to discuss your ex-husband's work schedule and whether or not it made it difficult for him to be attentive and involved in your child's educational or extra-curricular activities. You have to show that being the parent of primary residence is in the best interest not just for you, but that it is in the best interest of your children for you to be the primary caregiver. In short, you have to show the Family Court in New Jersey that the best place for your child on a daily basis is with the mother.
Call A New Jersey Mother's Rights Lawyer From Villani & DeLuca, P.C.!
If you are a mother seeking to be named the parent of primary residence or the sole custodian of your child or children, you need to seek experienced legal advice as soon as possible. You need someone to assist you as your make your case for custody in the family courts. You need to be prepared with the evidence the court will require in order to be awarded the primary custody of your children. Call Villani & DeLuca, P.C. today. We have experienced attorneys waiting to assist you through this difficult process and who will work hard to protect you and your children.