If you are looking to save money and get divorced, odds are you have seen various advertisements online regarding getting a New Jersey Divorce online, without having to pay for an attorney. Getting all the paperwork done correctly and making sure all the legal issues that need to be addressed are done so properly is a daunting task. Many people who get divorced without the assistance of either an attorney or a mediator usually regret it afterwards.
One way to make sure you do not make a fatal mistake in going through this process would be to utilize the services of an experienced divorce lawyer who is also an experienced divorce mediator. Senior Partner Vincent C. DeLuca of the Villani and DeLuca law firm has the experience to get you through the divorce process in a cost-effective, efficient manner.
You can utilize one of the online divorce centers if you prefer to save money on an attorney, however, you should make sure that you have all of your bases covered in processing your divorce. You need to see to it that you child or children are properly cared for in your settlement agreement. Child support should be addressed as well. In order to make sure everything is processed the right way and that all items that need to be included in your settlement agreement are included you should have a divorce mediator assist you.
The New Jersey online divorce processing centers do not prepare settlement agreements for you, they merely provide you with the requisite forms required to process a divorce.
Should you require assistance in either finalizing the terms of your divorce or actually processing the divorce, contact the Villani and DeLuca law firm today. The firm has reasonable rates for this type of work and will be able to save you time and aggravation. Call today 732-751-4991.
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